Export XCode 6 project to SVN repository Export XCode 6 project to SVN repository xcode xcode

Export XCode 6 project to SVN repository

The easiest way is probably to do this via the terminal.

  1. Close Xcode
  2. Go to the project's folder in the Terminal (cd path/to/project)
  3. Use the svn importcommand:

    svn import -m "New Import"  MyProject/ https://myserver.me.com/svn/trunk/MyProject
  4. And finally checkout the project using

    svn co https://myserver.me.com/svn/trunk/MyProject

  1. First Go to Preferences -> Accounts.
  2. Click on "+" then Add Repository.
  3. Add your Credentials.
  4. It will Validate.

Once its Authenticated Or Validated Go to Source Control

  1. Click on Create Working Copy / Copies.
  2. It will make Working Copy For you.
  3. Then after that Commit Button will be now clickable.
  4. Click on Commit.

And Here We Go

Your Code will start to upload on the validated repo.