Facebook SDK IOS xcode Facebook SDK IOS xcode xcode xcode

Facebook SDK IOS xcode

This may not be quite on point to your question, but it's at least related. While the instructions from Facebook say to set the button's class to FBSDKButton, that doesn't work and crashes as you describe above. Setting the button's class to FBSDKLoginButton seems to work.

i have got the same exact error.

After inspection, it's appear i need in my project : FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKLoginKit and FBSDKShareKit.

If you use cocoapods, this is the line in Podfile :

pod 'FBSDKCoreKit'pod 'FBSDKLoginKit'pod 'FBSDKShareKit'

after pod install, add this to your bridging header .h file :

#import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h>#import <FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKShareKit.h>#import <FBSDKLoginKit/FBSDKLoginKit.h>

In your storyboard, define a view with class type FBSDKLoginButton:

enter image description here

I was facing the same issue. u need to import FBSDKLoginKit in your view controller then use FBSDKLoginButton. find the code snipped

import FBSDKLoginKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidLoad() {    super.viewDidLoad()   let fbButton = FBSDKLoginButton()    fbButton.center = self.view.center    self.view.addSubview(fbButton)    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.}