Facebook sdk is not a dylib error after update update Xcode 7? Facebook sdk is not a dylib error after update update Xcode 7? xcode xcode

Facebook sdk is not a dylib error after update update Xcode 7?

When you install Facebook SDK iOS frameworks the way Facebook advices it, you do two things:

    • create a "Frameworks" group in XCode if it doesn't exist
    • drag used frameworks into the "Frameworks" group(this automagically creates an entry in Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries)
  1. Set the Framework search Paths to .../FacebookSDKs-iOS/

You get this "not a dylib" warning when you succeeded with 2. but did not do 1. correctly.

In my case I got this warning for the Bolts.framework, which I didn't use directly but is used by FBSDKCoreKit.framework.

Dragging Bolts.framework into XCode next to FBSDKCoreKit.framework fixed the warning.