Failed to install command line tools on OSX Mavericks Failed to install command line tools on OSX Mavericks xcode xcode

Failed to install command line tools on OSX Mavericks

Install them from here. You must be a registered developer.

Other solution is: in xcode click Xcode>Open Developer Tool>More Developer Tools

This should then take you to a link which will require a developer Apple ID sign in. From there, you'll be redirected after authenticating to where you can manually download and install the Command Line Tools.

The tools are still free, but xcode-select --install is no longer supported.

To install the latest command-line developer tools from,

  1. Applications -> App Store -> Search -> XCode -> Install ... installXCode if you don't have it.
  2. Open XCode and close any pop-ups
  3. Go to the Xcode menu > Open Developer Tool > More Developer Tools... this opens the correct website.
  4. Find the newest version, download the dmg and install the package. The filename you're looking for is similar to "Command Line Tools (OS X 10.9).pkg"

I had this problem for months and finally found the solution.

The problem was: I had installed it before and removed it manually.(I had problems with the bundled git. It was not the smartest move to do this.)

What i didn't remove were the files


Delete them, run xcode-select --install -> no error anymore

At least it worked for me. Hope it is helpful for somebody.