Find provisioning profile in Xcode 5 Find provisioning profile in Xcode 5 xcode xcode

Find provisioning profile in Xcode 5

I found a way to find out how your provisioning profile is named. Select the profile that you want in the code sign section in the build settings, then open the selection view again and click on "other" at the bottom. Then occur a view with the naming of the current selected provisioning profile.

You can now find the profile file on the path:

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles


For Terminal:

cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles

check here:

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

The following works for me at a command prompt

cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/for f in *.mobileprovision; do echo $f; openssl asn1parse -inform DER -in $f | grep -A1 application-identifier; done

Finding out which signing keys are used by a particular profile is harder to do with a shell one-liner. Basically you need to do:

openssl asn1parse -inform DER -in your-mobileprovision-filename

then cut-and-paste each block of base64 data after the DeveloperCertificates entry into its own file. You can then use:

openssl asn1parse -inform PEM -in file-with-base64

to dump each certificate. The line after the second commonName in the output will be the key name e.g. "iPhone Developer: Joe Bloggs (ABCD1234X)".