Getting data from the Info plist Getting data from the Info plist xcode xcode

Getting data from the Info plist

From an earlier SO answer of mine. Attributes from the info.plist for your project are directly accessible by the following...

[[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:key_name];

Your filePath is nil simply because it can't find the file - check spellings & check if the file you are trying to read from is actually in the bundle etc.

I do not think there is another way (unless it is the info.plist file then see Damo's comment), instead I would focus on figuring out why the filePath is nil, perhaps the plist file is no longer under target>build phases>copy bundle resources?


[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"FILE_NAME" ofType:@"plist"]


[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @"Info" ofType: @"plist"]