Github Actions: xcodebuild fails due to server fingerprint Github Actions: xcodebuild fails due to server fingerprint xcode xcode

Github Actions: xcodebuild fails due to server fingerprint

Finally I figured it out. It seems like its a known issue in Xcode 11 (

Thanks to Dosium in this post (, I was able to get it work.

The solution is to run the following command before running xcodebuild:for ip in $(dig @ +short); do ssh-keyscan,$ip; ssh-keyscan $ip; done 2>/dev/null >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

For CircleCI:

Adding onto Yakuhzi's answer, here's what the step looks like in Circle Ci's yaml file:

- run:    name: Enable SSH    command: |       for ip in $(dig @ +short); do ssh-keyscan,$ip; ssh-keyscan $ip; done 2>/dev/null >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Open the project on the machine that does the building.Go to the Workspace logs.Double click on the red log entry that says the package failed to validate.Now you get a window that asks you to trust the host.Trust it, and you're good to go.

Edit: I was wrong. While it does trust the host and you can open & run the project on the CI machine, the CI process still fails...