How do I view Apple App Store crash reports older than two weeks old? How do I view Apple App Store crash reports older than two weeks old? xcode xcode

How do I view Apple App Store crash reports older than two weeks old?

It seems that Apple currently only supports a time frame of two weeks for crash stats. As per their doc

Xcode downloads the top crash reports—crash reports with the most number of occurrences on unique devices—that occurred during the past two weeks.

And if you would like to keep the downloaded log file for further analysis then you can found it by simply

Right click on the crash report entry in Xcode's Organizer window and select "Show in Finder"

Or usually, it will be available in the following path

~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Products/{your bundle id}/{your selected version number}/Crashes/AppStore/

You can use this .xccrashpoint package file for futhur analysis(more details..).

Note: For more better crash issues with the detailed analysis, you can use this tool: Fabric Crashlytics

Hope this may help you