How do you codesign framework bundles for the Mac App Store? How do you codesign framework bundles for the Mac App Store? xcode xcode

How do you codesign framework bundles for the Mac App Store?

Based on baptr’s answer, I have developed this shell script that codesigns all my frameworks and other binary resources/auxiliary executables (currently supported types: dylib, bundle, and login items):

#!/bin/sh# WARNING: You may have to run Clean in Xcode after changing CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY! # Verify that $CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY is setif [ -z "${CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY}" ] ; then    echo "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY needs to be set for framework code-signing!"    if [ "${CONFIGURATION}" = "Release" ] ; then        exit 1    else        # Code-signing is optional for non-release builds.        exit 0    fifiif [ -z "${CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS}" ] ; then    echo "CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS needs to be set for framework code-signing!"    if [ "${CONFIGURATION}" = "Release" ] ; then        exit 1    else        # Code-signing is optional for non-release builds.        exit 0    fifiITEMS=""FRAMEWORKS_DIR="${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}"if [ -d "$FRAMEWORKS_DIR" ] ; then    FRAMEWORKS=$(find "${FRAMEWORKS_DIR}" -depth -type d -name "*.framework" -or -name "*.dylib" -or -name "*.bundle" | sed -e "s/\(.*framework\)/\1\/Versions\/A\//")    RESULT=$?    if [[ $RESULT != 0 ]] ; then        exit 1    fi    ITEMS="${FRAMEWORKS}"fiLOGINITEMS_DIR="${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH}/Library/LoginItems/"if [ -d "$LOGINITEMS_DIR" ] ; then    LOGINITEMS=$(find "${LOGINITEMS_DIR}" -depth -type d -name "*.app")    RESULT=$?    if [[ $RESULT != 0 ]] ; then        exit 1    fi    ITEMS="${ITEMS}"$'\n'"${LOGINITEMS}"fi# Prefer the expanded name, if available.CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY_FOR_ITEMS="${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY_NAME}"if [ "${CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY_FOR_ITEMS}" = "" ] ; then    # Fall back to old behavior.    CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY_FOR_ITEMS="${CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY}"fiecho "Identity:"echo "${CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY_FOR_ITEMS}"echo "Entitlements:"echo "${CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS}"echo "Found:"echo "${ITEMS}"# Change the Internal Field Separator (IFS) so that spaces in paths will not cause problems below.SAVED_IFS=$IFSIFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")# Loop through all items.for ITEM in $ITEMS;do    echo "Signing '${ITEM}'"    codesign --force --verbose --sign "${CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY_FOR_ITEMS}" --entitlements "${CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS}" "${ITEM}"    RESULT=$?    if [[ $RESULT != 0 ]] ; then        echo "Failed to sign '${ITEM}'."        IFS=$SAVED_IFS        exit 1    fidone# Restore $IFS.IFS=$SAVED_IFS
  1. Save it to a file in your project. I keep my copy in a Scripts subdirectory in my project’s root.
    • Mine is called
  2. Add a “Run Script” build phase right after your “Copy Embedded Frameworks” build phase.
    • You can call it “Codesign Embedded Frameworks”.
  3. Paste ./ (or whatever you called your script above) into the script editor text field. Use ./Scripts/ if you store the script in a subdirectory.
  4. Build your app. All bundled frameworks will be codesigned.

Should you still get an “Identity: ambiguous (matches: …” error, please comment below. This should not happen anymore.

Updated 2012-11-14: Adding support for frameworks with special characters in their name (this does not include single quotes) to “”.

Updated 2013-01-30: Adding support for special characters in all paths (this should include single quotes) to “”.

Updated 2013-10-29: Adding experimental dylib support.

Updated 2013-11-28: Adding entitlements support. Improving experimental dylib support.

Updated 2014-06-13: Fixing codesigning issues with frameworks containing (nested) frameworks. This was done by adding -depth option to find, which causes find to do a depth-first traversal. This has become necessary, because of the issue described here. In short: a containing bundle can only be signed if its nested bundles are signed already.

Updated 2014-06-28: Adding experimental bundle support.

Updated 2014-08-22: Improving code and preventing failure to restore IFS.

Updated 2014-09-26: Adding support for login items.

Updated 2014-10-26: Quoting directory checks. This fixes the “line 31/42: too many arguments” errors and the resulting “ code object is not signed at all” error for paths including special characters.

Updated 2014-11-07: Resolving the ambiguous identity error (like “Mac Developer: ambiguous …”) when using automatic identity resolution in Xcode. You don’t have to explicitly set the identity anymore and can just use “Mac Developer”!

Updated 2015-08-07: Improving semantics.

Improvements welcome!

Your comment shows you signed the objects within the bundle's version directory. The Technote shows to sign the directory itself.

The following matches the Technote better:

codesign -f -v -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Name" ./libcurl.framework/Versions/Acodesign -f -v -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Name" ./Growl.framework/Versions/Acodesign -f -v -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Name" ./GData.framework/Versions/A

This is how I fixed it;

  • Enter to the build settings of your target
  • Find the line "Other Code Signing Flags"
  • Enter --deep value to the release parameter
  • Close XCode
  • Enter to the derived data folder on your Mac and delete the old derived data (default path is: /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData)
  • Open Xcode and build

After the build archive and submit the app again...