How set background color of a button - xcode How set background color of a button - xcode xcode xcode

How set background color of a button - xcode

Just scroll a little bit in Attribute Inspector, you can find Background property in view section that will allow you set the backgroundColor for the UIButton.

enter image description here

If you want to set backgroundColor of button programatically.

Objective C :

 self.yourButton.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];

Swift 3 and Swift 4

 self.yourButton.backgroundColor =

Swift 2.3 or lower

 self.yourButton.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()

If you are working with Objective-C then this is the code for setting button background Color.

YourButtonObject.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor];

enter image description here

And you can direct setting background color of UIButton from storyboard like following:

enter image description here

Swift 2.3

    btn.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 17.0/255.0, green: 119.0/255.0, blue: 151.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0)    btn.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()

In storyboardenter image description here