How to avoid symbols and source paths in iOS binary? How to avoid symbols and source paths in iOS binary? xcode xcode

How to avoid symbols and source paths in iOS binary?

The file paths are most likely from assert macros which stringify __FILE__ as part of their failure message. iOS's implementation of assert(3) does this, as do the NSAssert macros.

You can remove asserts in release builds by defining NDEBUG (for the C asserts) and NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS (for NSAsserts).

In Xcode set Deployment Prostprocessing to Yes in order to trigger Xcode to call the strip command during build process. Then you don't see any source path via nm -a.

However, I still see the source paths of some m files via the strings command :/

What worked for me was setting Generate Debug Symbols to No for release builds. This is under the Apple LLVM 7.0 - Code Generation in Xcode 7.2.