how to call builtin-productPackagingUtility in command line how to call builtin-productPackagingUtility in command line xcode xcode

how to call builtin-productPackagingUtility in command line

I would like to sign my app folder at the end of the build, not during the Xcode build.

IIRC recent versions of Xcode complain if you disable code signing for a device build.

The easiest way around this is to let Xcode sign it and then re-sign it later. Steps are approximately

  1. Dump the original entitlements with codesign -d --entitlements=MyApp.xcent
  2. If you're changing provisioning profiles, copy the new one to and modify the entitlements accordingly (IIRC the file format has a 4-byte magic and a 4-byte length; remember to update the length!).
  3. Re-sign with your desired certificate.

Using the codesign utility does not require an xcent file. You can simply create a plist file and use that for entitlements. Make sure it is an XML plist, not binary.

The format of the .entitlements and the ${APPNAME}.xcent is the same so it can just be copied across.