How to check approximate App store size of app in Xcode How to check approximate App store size of app in Xcode xcode xcode

How to check approximate App store size of app in Xcode

To find out what's the size of the file that user will download from the App Store, you need to do the following.

  1. Archive your app
  2. Export your archive for testing outside the store.enter image description hereenter image description here

  3. Select “Export for specific devices” and choose “All compatible device variants” from the pop-up menu.enter image description here

  4. Select "Rebuild from bitcode." EDIT: this step doesn't exist since as late as Xcode 9.4.1.

  5. In the output folder, you will find App Thinning Size Report.txt, which breaks down the compressed and uncompressed file sizes, plus the size of any On Demand Resources, for each device type.

For more information take a look at apple docs.

The organizer in xcode no longer shows this info for some reason. However if you archive your project and in the organizer right click on the file you archived and click "show in finder" and you will be able to see the size when you right click and choose "get info".

I can't see the "Estimate Size" in Xcode (Version 7.0.1).

Following with josefdlange , I can find the "Show in Finder..." when I Click the header detail view(small icon) .

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