How to handle the Xcode warning "no previous prototype for function..."? How to handle the Xcode warning "no previous prototype for function..."? xcode xcode

How to handle the Xcode warning "no previous prototype for function..."?

Usually with warnings like this you can just define a function prototype at the top of your file, for instance:

BOOL FBIsDeviceIPad();

But in C a method with nothing between the braces, i.e. () actually implies there are an arbitrary number of parameters. Instead the definition should become (void) to denote no parameters:

BOOL FBIsDeviceIPad(void);...BOOL FBIsDeviceIPad(void) {#if __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= 30200  if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {   return YES;  }#endif  return NO;}

In Xcode4, go to your project's Build Settings. Search for "prototype". There should be an option called "Missing Function Prototypes"; disable it. You can also do this to the specific target(s) in question.

There are no warnings if such a function is defined as inline.

This may suffice as long as your function is optimized for inline use.