How to import my App module into MyAppUITests file? How to import my App module into MyAppUITests file? xcode xcode

How to import my App module into MyAppUITests file?

This is a response from Apple:

UI tests execute differently from Unit tests - Unit tests run inside your application process so they can access your application code. UI tests execute in a separate process, outside your application, so they can simulate how the user interacts with the application. It’s not expected that you will be able to access your app class from a UI test.

Every object you need access to in UI Tests must be part of the UI Test target. This includes object dependencies. It's a slippery slope, and rather a mess.

Rather than having your tests know about your app, try turning it around and have your app know that it's being tested. One way is to use the launchArguments property:

    app = XCUIApplication()    app.launchArguments.append("TestMode")    app.launch()

Then in your app:

    if NSProcessInfo.processInfo().arguments.contains("TestMode") {        // I am running in test mode    }

In your case the app could then set the NSUserDefaults accordingly.