How to prematurely cancel a request in RestKit and invoke 'didFailWithError' How to prematurely cancel a request in RestKit and invoke 'didFailWithError' xcode xcode

How to prematurely cancel a request in RestKit and invoke 'didFailWithError'

In RestKit version 0.20.x you can cancel scheduled requests using

[[RKObjectManager sharedManager]    cancelAllObjectRequestOperationsWithMethod:RKRequestMethodAny                           matchingPathPattern:YOUR_PATTERN];

You can use cancelRequestsWithDelegate: selector in order to achieve the described workflow.

- (void)cancelAfterTimeout {    [[[[RKObjectManager sharedManager] client] requestQueue] cancelRequestsWithDelegate:self];    NSError *myError = [[[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:NSPOSIXErrorDomain            code:12345 userInfo:nil] autorelease];    //feel free to customize the error code, domain and add userInfo when needed.    [self handleRestKitError:myError];}

However, it might be tricky to invoke that delegate error handler, but you can work around it by creating new, separate error handler like this:

- (void)handleRestKitError:(NSError*)error {    //do something with the error}

and modify the body of your didFailWithError: method:

- (void)objectLoader:(RKObjectLoader*)objectLoader didFailWithError:(NSError*)error {      [self handleRestKitError:error] }

You can always end up with:[[RKObjectManager sharedManager].operationQueue cancelAllOperations];Each of your requests will finish with error -999 (operation cancelled). You can check the error.code and perform appropriate action.