How to return string from native iOS plugin to unity? How to return string from native iOS plugin to unity? xcode xcode

How to return string from native iOS plugin to unity?

I'd like to clarify previous answer. C# declaration:

[DllImport("__Internal")]private static extern string getString();

Returning a string from objc is exactly like @Cabrra said:

char* convertNSStringToCString(const NSString* nsString){    if (nsString == NULL)        return NULL;    const char* nsStringUtf8 = [nsString UTF8String];    //create a null terminated C string on the heap so that our string's memory isn't wiped out right after method's return    char* cString = (char*)malloc(strlen(nsStringUtf8) + 1);    strcpy(cString, nsStringUtf8);    return cString;}extern "C" char* getString(){    const NSString* str = @"string";    return convertNSStringToCString(str);}

Though some people mentioned that this way will lead to a memory leak that is not right. This way works fine in Unity and no leaks occurs (I tested it many times). Unity clearly states that

String values returned from a native method should be UTF–8 encoded and allocated on the heap. Mono marshalling calls free for strings like this.

    extern "C"{    int _pow2(int x)    {        // Just a simple example of returning an int value        return x * x;    }    // Returns a char* (a string to Unity)    char* _helloWorldString()    {        // We can use NSString and go to the c string that Unity wants        NSString *helloString = @"Hello World";        // UTF8String method gets us a c string. Then we have to malloc a copy to give to Unity. I reuse a method below that makes it easy.        return cStringCopy([helloString UTF8String]);    }    // Here is an example of getting a string from Unity    char* _combineStrings(const char* cString1, const char* cString2)    {        // This shows we can create two NSStrings* from the c strings from Unity        NSString *string1 = CreateNSString(cString1);        NSString *string2 = CreateNSString(cString2);        NSString *combinedString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", string1, string2];        // Same as before, have to go to a c string and then malloc a copy of it to give to Unity        return cStringCopy([combinedString UTF8String]);    }}//I also like to include these two convenience methods to convert between c string and NSString*. You need to return a copy of the c string so that Unity handles the memory and gets a valid value.char* cStringCopy(const char* string){    if (string == NULL)        return NULL;    char* res = (char*)malloc(strlen(string) + 1);    strcpy(res, string);    return res;}// This takes a char* you get from Unity and converts it to an NSString* to use in your objective c code. You can mix c++ and objective c all in the same file.static NSString* CreateNSString(const char* string){    if (string != NULL)        return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:string];    else        return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:""];}