How to speed up the iPhone simulator in Xcode How to speed up the iPhone simulator in Xcode xcode xcode

How to speed up the iPhone simulator in Xcode

In the Debug menu in the Simulator, there is a "Slow Animations" menu item. It sounds like you have it set.

Once you execute your app in simulator you can go to Debug Menu and select the "slow Animations" option Check for slowness and UnCheck for Fast response on the screen changes.

Debug -> Slow Animation

Command + T is the short cut for same.

enter image description here

Check out this link

A couple things you could do include:

  • Close unused applications to free system resources such as cpu & memory
  • make sure "slow animations" is not selected in the simulator debug menu. Short cut for this is ⌘Tsimulator -> Debug -> slow animations

The IOS simulator is used for rapid prototyping and is not guaranteed to perform like a real device. It operates similar to any OSX application and is limited to the available resources(e.g memory, storage , cpu, etc) provided by OSX.