How to symbolicate crash report from Apple received in .txt format not .crash format How to symbolicate crash report from Apple received in .txt format not .crash format xcode xcode

How to symbolicate crash report from Apple received in .txt format not .crash format

When you get your crash report as a .txt file just follow these steps :

  1. Change the file extension .txt to .crash (eg mycrash.txt to mycrash.crash).

  2. Create a new folder in desktop and copy the mycrash.crash file to the newly created folder.

  3. Copy the .dSYM file:

    • update: download all DSYMs from appstoreconnect activity- they are properly named with their UUIDs
    • Unzip DSYMs, then copy the App and Sybolicate script as defined below:[appID]/activity/ios/builds/[version]/[build]/details
  4. Open the Archives window in Xcode by navigating the menus: xcode -> window -> orgnizer or xcode -> product -> Archive:

    • Select any Archives of your app Right click on it, then select Show in Finder

    • Right-click on appname.xcarchive and select Show Package Contents.

    • Open the dSYMs folder and get the .dSYM file, and paste it too in the newly created folder.

    • Copy the .app file from the same xcarchive to the new folder.

  5. Go to path /Applications/

    • Finder hotkey (⇧ + ⌘ + G) and just paste in the path.
  6. Copy the symbolicatecrash file to the newly created folder.

    The folder should now have:
    • mycrash.crash
    • symbolicatecrash
  7. Open terminal, navigate to your folder path and then run:
    $ export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/"

  8. Then run the symbolicate command on your crash like so:
    $ ./symbolicatecrash mycrash.crash > symbolicated.crash

  1. Change the file extension .txt to .crash
  2. Make sure your device is plugged in.
  3. Go to xcode -> window -> devices and simulators -> view device logs.
  4. Drag the file that of the crash log and drag it to the left side of that windows.
  5. Now you can see the log and what happen there.

Can't add a comment to Shakti's answer, but I had trouble with steps 5 and 6 as it was complaining about DEVELOPER_DIR not being specified.

Some googling later I found out that the part 5 should have been:

5 now open terminal cd your folder path and then type this

export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/"

So, the "export" is also a keyword and a part of the command, just in case anyone else gets the same problem.