implicit declaration of function free is invalid in c99 implicit declaration of function free is invalid in c99 xcode xcode

implicit declaration of function free is invalid in c99

You should include <stdlib.h>.

You get that warning because you're calling a function without first declaring it, so the compiler doesn't know about the function.

All functions need to be declared before being called, there are no "built-in" functions in C.

It's true that free() is a function defined in the standard, but it's still not built-in, you must have a prototype for it.

To figure out which header has the prototype, try searching for "man free" and look for a Linux manual page. Close to the top, it says:

#include <stdlib.h>void *malloc(size_t size);void free(void *ptr);void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);

This tells you that in order to use the listed functions, you should add:

#include <stdlib.h>

to your source code.