In-app purchase testing mzfinance.InAppBuyLoginRequired_message (sandbox) In-app purchase testing mzfinance.InAppBuyLoginRequired_message (sandbox) xcode xcode

In-app purchase testing mzfinance.InAppBuyLoginRequired_message (sandbox)

I had the same problem, i couldnt buy any in-app because i've seen every time :

mzfinance.InAppBuyLoginRequired_message (sandbox)

Earlier i tested my in-app purchases on this test account and everything was fine.I created new test account in iTunesConnect and it helps!.

Go to:


"Manage users" >> "Test user"

Next "Add new user" and create new user with any e-mail adress (i used imaginary e-mail adress).This work for me, i'm using now this second account to testing.


Same stuff happening since 31 May 2012. Noticed this behavior only in the simulator, on the device everything is ok.

I've managed testing on the simulator every time creating new test user at iTunesConnect. It's very time consuming but otherwise it doesn't work.

It doesn't come when you buy the app for the first time. (Creating new user means buying it first time). It comes when you are trying to restore the InApp purchase and haven't properly handled the restore purchases.

See the "Restoring Transactions" section in In-App Purchase Programming Guide.