iOS build failure; /bin/sh No such file or directory iOS build failure; /bin/sh No such file or directory xcode xcode

iOS build failure; /bin/sh No such file or directory

Check for a potentially corrupt "run script" phase in your project's "build phases".

It should look something like this:

Build Phase

I had renamed my app, and got into this error. In various places, I changed the name but couldn't find at one spot .. - in Target's build setting file.

Cmd + Shift + F to find in whole project.searched for old App name string.Found places where old name was still stuck, updated it with new name.

enter image description here

I've encountered this a number of times because my DerivedData isn't current with my work. I've never understand the logic for when it does and does not keep track of changes I'm making... but since the script is trying to run from an archive in the derived data, you'll need to make sure the script is actually present. To do this, delete your derived data (or at least the directory containing your script) and then build again. Xcode will fill in the gap(s). You can get quick access to Derived Data by navigating to the File menu and then going to Project Settings (or Workspace Settings accordingly) and following the link to your finder. Just trash it.