iOS build number in Cordova app iOS build number in Cordova app xcode xcode

iOS build number in Cordova app

I found the answer in this resolved issue.

There are separate versionCode attributes (separate to version) for iOS and Android, that need to be added to your config.xml file:

<widget ... android-versionCode="201406092" ios-CFBundleVersion="201406092"

This post here was a little clearer to me, a little more complete, so I mention it just in case it helps. Note that, effectively, it is almost the exact same as what Ade said. I only provide it because the first time I read Ade's answer, I was confused and did not fully understand his answer until I saw the answer below.

If you want to separate the build number from the version number, you can add the following attributes to the widget tag in your config.xml:

version="VERSIONNR" android-versionCode="BUILDNR" ios-CFBundleVersion="BUILDNR"

so the complete tag, with those attributes included, looks something like this:

<widget id="APPID" version="VERSIONNR" android-versionCode="BUILDNR" ios-CFBundleVersion="BUILDNR" xmlns=""xmlns:cdv="">

(text in uppercase are placeholders)