IOS Team Provisioning Profile - Pending (Managed by Xcode) IOS Team Provisioning Profile - Pending (Managed by Xcode) xcode xcode

IOS Team Provisioning Profile - Pending (Managed by Xcode)

You can manually create your own provisioning profile (NOT managed by Xcode) and use that instead until the Xcode-managed profile is approved.

I have spent 24 hours with an Xcode profile in the "Pending" state, but if I manually create one it seems to get approved instantly.

You can manually add profiles through the Apple Developer Portal at You can use a wildcard app ID (*) to match any app, the same as your Xcode profile uses.

Generating a provisioning profile can take some time and there isn't much you can do about it once it's "Pending" on the iOS developer center. In some instances, you may have to wait up to a few hours for the profile to be ready.

For those who dont want to wait but need a provisioning profile for app with any bundle id. Create new wildcard App ID in the portal. Then create new provision profile and select your new wildcard App ID, then download and install. It's work for me.