Is there a good tutorial on cocoa touch automated UI testing? Is there a good tutorial on cocoa touch automated UI testing? xcode xcode

Is there a good tutorial on cocoa touch automated UI testing?

Your best bet will be to use the UI Automation instrument that debuted with iOS 4.0. This can be scripted to test out many aspects of your user interface.

Apple provides a great introduction to this tool in the video for the WWDC 2010 session 306 - "Automating User Interface Testing with Instruments". I demonstrate how to set up scripts and do testing in the video for the "Testing" session of my advanced iOS development course on iTunes U. My notes on UI Automation from that class, including sample scripts, can be found here.

Additionally, you might want to look at James Turner's article "How to use UIAutomation to create iPhone UI tests" and Alex Vollmer's "Working with UIAutomation".

What are you really trying to test? I agree that testing view interaction is important but find that I can usually construct a unit or integration test which tests the view or the view and it's controller to validate this behavior without attempting to drive the entire app via the UI.

For example has examples of tests which test that UIKit views are bound to IBActions or have appropriate delegate's and that a controller responds to those action or delegate messages appropriately. There's no need to actually drive a UIButton or UITableView since I'm willing to trust that those classes actually work and instead only need to test my use and configuration of them.

For custom view components you can send UIResponder messages directly in your tests and assert that they behave as expected, again without driving the entire UI.

Can you provide an example of the sort of behavior you want to test?