Is there a way to view your app's .entitlements file from your app's .ipa archive? Is there a way to view your app's .entitlements file from your app's .ipa archive? xcode xcode

Is there a way to view your app's .entitlements file from your app's .ipa archive?

For those getting here via Google, the Information Apple provides at is a lot more recent.Specifially, after unzipping the IPA:

Display the entitlements in the app by running:

codesign -d --entitlements :- "Payload/" 

and display the provisioning profile by running:

security -D -i "Payload/"

Sure, unzip the .ipa file which will create a Payload directory. Inside of the Payload directory is the application package. Right-click the app package in Finder to "Show Package Contents".

Look for the embedded.mobileprovision file which you can open with a text editor or plist editor. Look for the <key>Entitlements</key>