Jenkins - failed: No test report files were found. Configuration error? Jenkins - failed: No test report files were found. Configuration error? xcode xcode

Jenkins - failed: No test report files were found. Configuration error?

You can also enable the 'allowEmptyResults' option so that the junit plugin won't throw an exception when it doesn't find test results.

This way it doesn't matter if the 'test-results' directory exists.

junit allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: '**/test-results/*.xml'

First make sure junit.xml is getting generated after the test run.

Jenkins job at times cannot see past the current workspace. so it is always a good idea to copy the reports back to the current workspace before using it.

    cd <path to report>    cp *.xml $WORKSPACE

Now the jenkins should pick-up the report.Note: The config may show error first(since it cannot find the xml file in workspace) but after a build this should go away and also the result should get recorded

I'm using nosetest (python) to generate an xUnit compatible file and I was getting:

ERROR: No test report files were found. Configuration error?

I was using junit plugin as:

junit "test-results-unit.xml"

junit seems to add WORKSPACE directory by default so using the full PATH to the file wouldn't work either. I created symlink from the resulting file to the WORKSPACE directory to make it work:

  sh 'ln -s tests/test-results-unit.xml $WORKSPACE'  junit "test-results-unit.xml"