Keep getting error messages when compiling newest version of admob on IOS6 SDK Keep getting error messages when compiling newest version of admob on IOS6 SDK xcode xcode

Keep getting error messages when compiling newest version of admob on IOS6 SDK

You probably didn't add AdSupport.framework. Also remember to remove -all_load linker flag.

AdSupport.framework need in xcode 4.5 and admob 6.x

On the other way you can fix it without adding extra framework, remove the "-Obj" flag from "Linking > Other Linker Flags" if this flag is not required for your project.

I my case it was different, I had supported the GoogleConvertionTracking.lib but after couple of release customer decided to remove the GoogleConvertionTracking.lib from client. After removing all required code from client I started getting this error of ""_OBJC_CLASS_$_ASIdentifierManager", referenced from:"

After going thru the support doc of GoogleConvertionTracking I found that I had added "-Obj" compiler flag under Under Linking > Other Linker Flags.

* by removing this "-Obj" flag from "Linking > Other Linker Flags" for both rel/deb this error is gone.

I don't have to add AddSupport.framework to get rid of this error.This change may be helpful for those who don't want to add extra framework to avoid the compilation error.