Launch Image names of iPhoneX? Launch Image names of iPhoneX? xcode xcode

Launch Image names of iPhoneX?

You can add static launch image for iPhone X, only add:Default-375w-812h@3x.png

Following the convention it should be named Default-812h@3x.png (and Default-Landscape-812h@3x.png) (812 is the actual height in points).And looks like currently there is no way to use storyboard-powered launch screen and have pixel perfect images for both iPhone X and old plus sizes models.

You can add static launch image for iPhone X with old project with simple step:

1, Select Assets.xcassets select launch image folder.2, Check "iOS 8.0 and later" in the right Attribute inspector panel.3, An iPhone X place holder will appear, drag an image 375w812h @ 3x to it and you are done.