library not found for -lPods-AFNetworking library not found for -lPods-AFNetworking xcode xcode

library not found for -lPods-AFNetworking

Instead of opening the XCode project, you should open up the WorkSpace file.

I was facing the same problem and following solution worked for me:

  1. Go to project setting -> build setting -> other linker flag, and remove all flags that have -lpod or frameworks or related to pods. Don't remove the required flags (e.g. -ObjC, -licucore, -libxml2)
  2. Add a flag $(inherited) at the top.
  3. Clean the project and compile.

I had the same error while migrating my project to iOS 9. I solved it by doing this:

  1. Navigate to the Build Settings tab for your project and search for "link".
  2. In the the Other Linker Flags section, remove -l"Pods-AFNetworking" and replace it with -l"AFNetworking"

See the screenshot linked here for more information: