Minimum Font Size deprecated on ios version 6.0 Minimum Font Size deprecated on ios version 6.0 xcode xcode

Minimum Font Size deprecated on ios version 6.0

minimumFontSize property of the UILabel is deprecated from iOS 6.0 onwards.

An Alternative to the minimumFontSize is minimumScaleFactor. If you assign minimumFontSize/defaultFontSize to minimumScaleFactor, it works in the same way as minimumFontSize.

The Code is as follows - For Example the font size is 30.0 and if you want the minimum font size to be 12.0

YOURLABEL.font= [UIFont fontWithName:@"FONT_NAME" size:30.0];[YOURLABEL setMinimumScaleFactor:12.0/[UIFont labelFontSize]];

Quick fix...Here minimum font size to be 8.0

            CGFloat size = textLabel.font.pointSize;// font size of label text            [textLabel setMinimumScaleFactor:8.0/size];