Missing Marketing Icon - iOS Cordova Missing Marketing Icon - iOS Cordova xcode xcode

Missing Marketing Icon - iOS Cordova

Based on the other answers here, I believe the complete answer is:

If you did cordova platform update ios it will bring you the latest stable version, 4.4.0 as of today, which don't know to add the entry for the app-store icon.

So, what you need to do is:

cordova platform rm ioscordova platform add ios@4.5.1

and add the above mentioned line into config.xml with a slight modification - use a JPEG to avoid "The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in 'appname.app' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel":

<icon height="1024" width="1024" src="icons/ios/icon-1024.jpg" />

As soon as the stable version will become higher than 4.5.1, do not force that 'old' version!

To verify your iOS platform version, look for this line in config.xml:

<engine name="ios" spec="~4.5.1" />

Important! from 4.5.0 and on, the plugin 'cordova-plugin-console' is not supported and not required. You must remove it in order to build successfully:

cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-console

Update to latest cordova-ios version: 4.5.1 and register Marketing icon in config.xml

<icon height="1024" width="1024" src="icons/ios/icon-1024.png" />

Ref: https://github.com/apache/cordova-ios/pull/337

For me I did like this.

First, change the icon size to 1024x1024, In yourProject/resources/icon.png.

Then, running this in your terminal.

ionic cordova plugin saveionic cordova platform rm iosionic cordova platform add ios

Finally, IOS platform build successful and auto modifying config.xml successful.

You will see <icon height="1024" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-1024.png" width="1024" /> in your config.xml. Then try upload your project to AppStore again.