Move or copy view controller from one storyboard to another Move or copy view controller from one storyboard to another xcode xcode

Move or copy view controller from one storyboard to another

Yes, it is possible.

  1. Select controllers you want to copy
  2. Press Command + C
  3. Open your second storyboard file
  4. Press Command + V

Note: "IBOutlets remains as is after copying(Verified on Xcode 6.3.2)."

It is possible to copy, but you have to open both storyboards at once in one project, and then copy and paste.

In Xcode 8, if specifically you want to move view controllers to another storyboard, just select the view controller(s) which you want to move by Cmd + click the view controller. Keeping them selected, Go to the Editor tab and Choose Refactor to Storyboard. It will ask you the name of the new storyboard file and press Enter.

A new storyboard file will be created with your selected view controllers in it. In the Main.storyboard, you will see a Storyboard Reference object in place of that view controller, which is your reference to the new storyboard you just made.