Not a Doxygen trailing comment Not a Doxygen trailing comment xcode xcode

Not a Doxygen trailing comment

You can go to Build Settings and search for Documentation Comments and set as No. Doxygen is just a format, you can skip that for code you are not the owner.

As a temp solution:

  1. Get rid of most of the warnings by clicking the yellow triangle and pressing return which will make some auto-correction.

enter image description here

  1. For the single one with an exclamation mark in the triangle delete some of the comment.enter image description here

This will basically just change some of the comments in the opencv sources. Since mine is a local copy and not git clone that's fine. I guess that basically the opencv guys need to get that fixed. However, it would be nice to know some compiler option in Swift to turn those warnings off.

This solved it for me, suppressing the warnings only in the third party library headers. Just wrap the problematic header #includes with these pragmas:

#pragma clang diagnostic push#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdocumentation"#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>#pragma clang diagnostic pop

You can substitute or add other warning flags to be ignored. This is a combination of a hint from Konchog and Vladimir Grigorov’s super helpful answer here.