Objective c checking whether text field is empty Objective c checking whether text field is empty xcode xcode

Objective c checking whether text field is empty

Simply checks for nil and if length of text length is greater than 0 - not empty

if (textField.text && textField.text.length > 0){   /* not empty - do something */}else{   /* what ever */}

We already have inbuilt method that return boolean value that indicates whether the text-entry objects has any text or not.

// In Obj-Cif ([textField hasText]) {        //*    Do Something you have text    }else{         /* what ever */    }// In Swiftif textField.hasText {    //*    Do Something you have text}else{     /* what ever */}

Joshua has the right answer in the narrow case, but generally, you can't compare string objects using the == or != operators. You must use -isEqual: or -isEqualToString: This is because charlieImputSelf and @"" are actually pointers to objects. Although the two sequences of characters may be the same, they need not point at the same location in memory.