Prefer Large Titles and RefreshControl not working well Prefer Large Titles and RefreshControl not working well xcode xcode

Prefer Large Titles and RefreshControl not working well

I'm having the same problem, and none of the other answers worked for me.

I realised that changing the table view top constraint from the safe area to the superview fixed that strange spinning bug.

Also, make sure the constant value for this constraint is 0 🤯.

if using storyboard

At the end what worked for me was:

  • In order to fix the RefreshControl progress bar disappearing bug with large titles:

    self.extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = true
  • In order to fix the list offset after refreshcontrol.endRefreshing():

    let top = self.tableView.adjustedContentInset.toplet y = self.refreshControl!.frame.maxY + topself.tableView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: 0, y: -y), animated:true)

If you were using tableView.tableHeaderView = refreshControl or tableView.addSubView(refreshControl) you should try using tableView.refreshControl = refreshControl