React-native - Build failed due to double-conversion React-native - Build failed due to double-conversion xcode xcode

React-native - Build failed due to double-conversion

Got the solution from jerry han here: The life saver

Hi Bala, As you can see the error log, That error was from ‘WhiteSpace’ on your working path.

Real Path : /Users/sumit/Desktop/React\ Native/On cd cmd log : /Users/sumit/Desktop/React:You should rename your working path to ‘/Users/sumit/Desktop/react_native’.

That will be helpful for you.

With developing or operation work, you may be better not to use ‘space’ on the path.

For me, what worked was just updating the Code Signing preference in Xcode to something different and back again.

E.g. I have Automatically manage signing originally turned on. Turning that off and back on again seems to resolve this issue.