Save for Enterprise or ad-hoc deployment not present Save for Enterprise or ad-hoc deployment not present xcode xcode

Save for Enterprise or ad-hoc deployment not present

If your project uses a third-party lib as a sub-project, there are a couple of settings that you may need to change so that xcode will recognize your app as a single–bundle rather than multiple products. Only single-bundle apps can be saved for enterprise or ad-hoc deployment, or submitted to the app store.

First, in the Build Settings tab of the third-party lib target, set the Skip Install setting to Yes.

Second, in the Build Phases tab of the third-party lib target, look in the Copy Headers phase and ensure that there are no headers in the Public or Private section (they should all be in the Project section).

I finally got around this. It turned out the issue was that I was using third-party libs by including their (source) Xcode project rather than as pre-compiled libs. For some reason Xcode sees them as distinct apps, and won't let me wrap all of them under one single IPA. I removed the project, dropped the actual static libs and headers, produced the archive and...tadaaah: here I could sy my most wanted export option.

Thanks everyone for the help, a special thanks to The Saad who helped me finding out this.

well, I met the same problem when I was using GMGridView. I didn't use Diferdin's solution since I still want to keep the GMGridView project there.My solution is: Go to GMGridView's target, click "Build Phases" -> "Copy Headers", then move all header files under "Public" and "Private" to "Project".Redo the Product -> Archive, then you may find the option "Save for Enterprise or ad-hoc deployment not present".This worked for me, hope it could be helpful to anyone who met the same problem as mine.Also I believe the idea could also be applied to any other thrid-party projects.Good luck!