Set xcode "build setting" from terminal? Set xcode "build setting" from terminal? xcode xcode

Set xcode "build setting" from terminal?

What You can do is to run:

xcodebuild -target <target> -configuration <configuration> -showBuildSettings

This command shows all the settings that are filled for target and configuration passed. Find the name of the key that contains $(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist (let call it THE_KEY) and then try:

xcodebuild -target <target> -configuration <configuration> THE_KEY=<new_value>

Don't guarantee that it will work.

You could try pbxproj. This is a python module that helps you manipulate XCode projects with commandline.

The related part to your probelm may be

You can pip install pbxproj to have it.

And here's an example provided in the official repo:

from pbxproj import XcodeProject# open the projectproject = XcodeProject.load('myapp.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj')# add a file to it, force=false to not add it if it's already in the projectproject.add_file('MyClass.swift', force=False)# set a Other Linker Flagsproject.add_other_ldflags('-ObjC')# save the project, otherwise your changes won't be picked up by

If you use CocoaPods, you already have Xcodeproj installed as a dependency:

Here's an example that prints the change for each build config (Debug, Release, ...):

#!/usr/bin/env rubyrequire "xcodeproj"project_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'MultiMarkdown', 'build-xcode', 'libMultiMarkdown.xcodeproj')project = = { |t| == "libMultiMarkdown" }.firstnew_build_dir = '$SYMROOT/$CONFIGURATION'outdated_configs = { |c| c.build_settings['CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR'] != new_build_dir }if outdated_configs.empty?  puts "All up-to-date"  exitendoutdated_configs.each do |config|  old = config.build_settings['CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR']  config.build_settings['CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR'] = new_build_dir  puts "- [#{}]:  Changed `CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR` from #{old} to #{new_build_dir}"endif project.dirty?  puts "Saving changes ..."  project.saveend

You can replace the key with CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH and modify that. For all targets:

new_path = "path/to/append"target.build_configurations.each do |config|  config.build_settings['CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH'] += new_pathend

Again, since this is shipped with CocoaPods, if you have a dependency that needs that, you can use almost the same code in a CocoaPods hook.