Slow app compilation with new Sierra update Slow app compilation with new Sierra update xcode xcode

Slow app compilation with new Sierra update

Check your keychain. After updating to Sierra to 10.12.1, I had over 500 copies one of my certificates, and a few others were duplicated a few hundred times.

I removed all the duplicates and kept just one of each, and my code signing time went from 30 seconds per framework down to about 1 second per.

I don't know how or why the certificates were duplicated, but the timing of the issue suggests it was due to updating Sierra.

2017-03-23 Update

You can skip installing the beta version of CocoaPods, because the COCOAPODS_PARALLEL_CODE_SIGN flag is also evaluated in the current release build.

Original Answer

Found an alternative solution, not best, but at least it's speeding up.It works (for me)

Cocoapods released a new beta version few days ago.

Which allows parallel code signing when running the embed framework script(

  1. Install the latest beta version

gem install cocoapods --pre

  1. Go to your Xcode target build settings and click the + icon at the top

enter image description here


enter image description here

And enjoy the increased building speed!

If keychain looks good, but problems exists – check the preferences and remove all duplicates in this file:~/Library/Preferences/

For typical setup this file must contain only one record with login keychain reference.