Swift debugger does not show variable values when importing ObjC framework Swift debugger does not show variable values when importing ObjC framework xcode xcode

Swift debugger does not show variable values when importing ObjC framework

I got a message from an Apple developer stating that they've observed this problem, and that it could be fixed by moving the .framework to a subfolder of the project.

Apparently the module .. was built in directory error appears only if the .framework is in the same folder as the .xcodeproj aka $(PROJECT_DIR).

However moving the framework to a subfolder didn't fix the issue in my case, but it's still worth a try until this gets fixed in a newer Xcode 7 beta (still occurs in beta 3).

In my case this was happening because of redundant import statements in my project.

My project mixes swift and objc files, so I have import statements in the bridging_header.h file.

In my bridging_header.h I had #import blah.h

In one of the swift files, I was importing a redundant header from a framework@import blah // From blah.framework

I removed the redundant import from the swift file, that seems to have fixed it.

I can confirm this is happening in Xcode Version 7.0 beta 4 (7A165t). I had to remove my ObjC framework to get Debugging values to return. If removing your framework isn't an option, the print method is old-school debugging, but still works.