swift: How to load photos from photo library without using UIImagePickerController? swift: How to load photos from photo library without using UIImagePickerController? xcode xcode

swift: How to load photos from photo library without using UIImagePickerController?

You can access photo library using Photos framework(for iOS 8+). Take a look at this example. In AAPLRootListViewController's code if awakeFromNib method you can see how to create PHFetchResult object to retrieve specific photos data. Then, in AAPLAssetGridViewController, PHAsset objects(from PHFetchResult) are used for retrieving actual image data. Take a look at method

- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

The code is written in Objective-C rather than Swift, but you could do the same using Swift. Ask questions if any.