symbolicatecrash with XCode 4.2 not symbolicating system symbols symbolicatecrash with XCode 4.2 not symbolicating system symbols xcode xcode

symbolicatecrash with XCode 4.2 not symbolicating system symbols

The following solved the problem for me:

  • Delete the folder ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/5.0.1 (9A405)
  • Reattach your iOS device and it will automatically import the correct symbols.

After that the crash reports could be symbolicated correctly. (to re-symbolicate a crash report, open the Organizer, click on 'Reveal in Finder' and delete the symbolicated version)

It looks like this is an acknowledged bug with Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5:

A new Xcode beta was released for Lion yesterday, does that work for you? I can't try it myself because it's not available for Snow Leopard yet.