Tell AppleScript To Build XCode Project Tell AppleScript To Build XCode Project xcode xcode

Tell AppleScript To Build XCode Project

I think I managed to solve it. The following is the AppleScript:

tell application "Xcode"    open "Users:chuan:Desktop:iphone_manual_client:iphone_manual_client.xcodeproj"    tell project "iphone_manual_client"            clean            build            (* for some reasons, debug will hang even the debug process has completed.                The try block is created to suppress the AppleEvent timeout error              *)            try                debug            end try    end tell    quitend tell

The path has to be in format of ":" instead of "/". The only problem now is that after the debug console has done its job, AppleScript seems to "hang" as though waiting for something to happen. I need to do more research on AppleScript to know what is wrong with the script.

I'm not sure about AppleScript but you can compile it from command line, without opening xcode ide, like this:

xcodebuild -configuration Debug -target WhatATool -project WhatATool.xcodeproj

Where configuration is obvious option, target is the name in Target list of xcode and the project name at the end.

There's a command line utility called xcodebuild (man page here) which may work better for what you want to accomplish.