Testing if an element is visible with Xcode 7 UITest Testing if an element is visible with Xcode 7 UITest xcode xcode

Testing if an element is visible with Xcode 7 UITest

As of Xcode 7.1 Beta 3, UI Testing does not currently support validating the visibility of an element. I suggest filing a radar to bring the necessary attention to Apple.

Xcode 7.1 has fixed this issue. hittable now checks to see if the element is correct.

1) I am testing the UI with swift in Xcode 7.3 and I using both .hittable and .exists for testing whether a label is hidden or not and they both work. I test for 'true' and 'false' to make sure either way agree with the result.

I have a label whose static text is "Track Info" and set to be hidden when app is first loaded, then later on I press a button to show the label, and here is the result after the label is shown.

// test fails

let trackInfoLabel = app.staticTexts["Track info"]XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.exists, true)XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.hittable, true)

// test passes

XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.exists, false)XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.hittable, false)

// test passes

let trackInfoLabel = app.staticTexts["Track Info"]XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.exists, true)XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.hittable, true)

// test fails

XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.exists, false)XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.hittable, false)

Leter on when I press the button to hide the label, all the results turned opposite. This confirms that both properties (hittable and exists) works for label.hidden setting.

2) Another way to find out if an element is hidden, you can do is element.frame.size.width == 0 || element.frame.size.height == 0

XCUIElement.hittable works for me (in my particular test case where I am checking several UIButton elements for visibility) - quite sure it is not a right way to do it though