Travis CI Fails to Build with a Code Signing Error Travis CI Fails to Build with a Code Signing Error xcode xcode

Travis CI Fails to Build with a Code Signing Error

Did you try to add this on you travis.yml:

language: objective-cscript:  - xcodebuild [DEFAULT_OPTIONS] CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO

Or import a development (and distribution if you are going to use on your build) cert/key to the keychain and copy your team provisioning profile, to make the code signing work. Like this:

language: objective-cbefore_script:- ./scripts/add-key.shscript:  - xcodebuild [DEFAULT_OPTIONS] CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO

#!/bin/shKEY_CHAIN=ios-build.keychainsecurity create-keychain -p travis $KEY_CHAIN# Make the keychain the default so identities are foundsecurity default-keychain -s $KEY_CHAIN# Unlock the keychainsecurity unlock-keychain -p travis $KEY_CHAIN# Set keychain locking timeout to 3600 secondssecurity set-keychain-settings -t 3600 -u $KEY_CHAIN# Add certificates to keychain and allow codesign to access themsecurity import ./scripts/certs/dist.cer -k $KEY_CHAIN -T /usr/bin/codesignsecurity import ./scripts/certs/dev.cer -k $KEY_CHAIN -T /usr/bin/codesignsecurity import ./scripts/certs/dist.p12 -k $KEY_CHAIN -P DISTRIBUTION_KEY_PASSWORD  -T /usr/bin/codesignsecurity import ./scripts/certs/dev.p12 -k $KEY_CHAIN -P DEVELOPMENT_KEY_PASSWORD  -T /usr/bin/codesignecho "list keychains: "security list-keychainsecho " ****** "echo "find indentities keychains: "security find-identity -p codesigning  ~/Library/Keychains/ios-build.keychainecho " ****** "# Put the provisioning profile in placemkdir -p ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profilescp "./scripts/profiles/iOSTeam_Provisioning_Profile_.mobileprovision" ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/cp "./scripts/profiles/DISTRIBUTION_PROFILE_NAME.mobileprovision" ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/

Please find my .travis.yml file below, which fixes this error message and others, when using an Xcode 7 project + Swift + iOS 9 + the continuous integration tool available on

# objective-cosx_image: xcode7# xcode_project: SampleNotifcations/SampleNotifcations.xcodeproj# xcode_workspace: SampleNotifcations/SampleNotifcations.xcworkspace# xcode_scheme: SampleNotifcationsTestspodfile: SampleNotifcations/Podfile# xcode_sdk: iphonesimulator9.0script:  xctool  -workspace SampleNotifcations/SampleNotifcations.xcworkspace  -scheme SampleNotifcationsTests  -sdk iphonesimulator  -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6 Plus'  build   test  ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO  CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=""  CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NObefore_install:  - brew update  - brew uninstall xctool && brew install --HEAD xctool


If you don't need to build for iphoneos, e.g. if you just want to know if the project builds or your unit tests pass. You can specify the iphonesimulator sdk. By doing this, xctool will not sign the code.

script: xctool -sdk iphonesimulator -workspace {WORKSPACE}.xcworkspace -scheme {SCHEME} build test