UITextfield text is moving on edit UITextfield text is moving on edit xcode xcode

UITextfield text is moving on edit

In xib, set textfield's borderStyle to any value than TextBorderStyleNone . And in code, set textfield's borderStyle as TextBorderStyleNone explicitly.

I could'n figure out why but it seems like initializer bug. It works fine in other code which doesn't initialize UITextField by outlet from xib.

When set textfield's borderStyle as TextBorderStyleNone at xib, the problem still remains even if set borderStyle as TextBorderStyleNone in code. It may be followed by some kind of 'layoutIfNeeded' stuff, which triggered by value change.

Selecting the "adjust to fit" property sets the property adjustsFontSizeToWidth in UITextField.

That has this property (UITextField Apple Documentation):

Normally, the text field’s content is drawn with the font you specify in the font property. If this property is set to YES, however, and the contents in the text property exceed the text field’s bounding rectangle, the receiver starts reducing the font size until the string fits or the minimum font size is reached. The text is shrunk along the baseline.

The default value for this property is NO. If you change it to YES, you should also set an appropriate minimum font size by modifying the minimumFontSize property.

I would try first unchecking this and seeing if that would stop it, and then follow the documentation advice and set the minimumFontSize property lower otherwise, which may also be causing the problem.

This issue could possibly be a result of the appearance of the blue "now editing" cursor. The baseline of a text (reference) is the bottom of the text. Your text is shrinking "along the baseline" by pushing down, which leans more strongly in the direction of it being a minimumFontSize/adjustsFontSizeToWidth issue.

If you are forcefully making UITextField first responder, do it in viewDidAppear: instead of viewDidLoad... This solved the problem for me...