Unable to link GoogleAnalytics 3.01 with XCode 5 (missing required architecture x86_64) Unable to link GoogleAnalytics 3.01 with XCode 5 (missing required architecture x86_64) xcode xcode

Unable to link GoogleAnalytics 3.01 with XCode 5 (missing required architecture x86_64)

You're not doing anything wrong. I'm pretty sure google has not yet provided a arm64 version of their libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a, which is really annoying ...it has been weeks since the public the release of Xcode 5GM.

For now, I guess only build for armv7, armv7s or remove google analytics until they get their head out of their pants.

UDATE: Finally fixed https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ios/resources

Select this option in the Architecture section in "Build Settings" and your code will run on iPhone 5S, I had the same trouble.

Build Settings

Good news everyone, fixed by the 3.03 release:

64-bit support is now available in v3.03 of the Google Analytics Services SDK for iOS. (Source)