Unable to use xcodebuild on Mavericks with Command Line Tools installed Unable to use xcodebuild on Mavericks with Command Line Tools installed xcode xcode

Unable to use xcodebuild on Mavericks with Command Line Tools installed

I know that this is a late answer, but in my case this command solved the issue:

sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

It appears that OSX has changed xcodebuild to require XCode to be installed, where before it functioned properly with only the OSX Command Line Tools installed.

Old semi-related answer

Many people ran into this with Node. Node's build tool, gyp, uses xcodebuild to prepare for compiling node packages. Mavericks has changed the behavior of xcodebuild so that it no longer works properly with gyp. This is being fixed at the moment. See the node-gyp issue

Once the changes have been deployed to NPM, you will be able to install the new node-gyp package and compile properly. You will also need to update your NPM version once the changes are incorporated into NPM.

Please first go to finder, next select Applications from left panel, next look for Xcode, and check if its name is Xcode or Xcode-Beta

If name is Xcode-Beta then enter this command in Terminal:

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode-Beta.app/Contents/Developer

If name is Xcode then enter this command:

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

Hope this answer might help for users with Beta version of Xcode
