Unity3D/Xcode: Debug Logs not available on Device, can't see in Console Unity3D/Xcode: Debug Logs not available on Device, can't see in Console xcode xcode

Unity3D/Xcode: Debug Logs not available on Device, can't see in Console

Have you tried attaching to the Unity log message event?

public Text logText; //someRandomUnityUITextThatIsShownOnScreen void Start(){Application.logMessageReceived += HandleLog;        //can disable logging with Application.logMessageReceived -= HandleLog; }void HandleLog(string logString, string stackTrace, LogType type){  logText.text += "\n | " + logString; //of course you can use the logstring and stacktrace to do whatever you want, write into a debug txt file or smth.}

if that doesn't work either, it is probably an iOS bug right now